Find the outlines for the different seminars offered by ICATS here.
About ICATS and the instructor
What it takes to be a cat groomer
What is a cat
Holistic grooming
Practice done with stuffed animal
Instructor will demonstrate brushing, de-matting, de-shedding and barbering on a live cat. If available, students will able to try out methods on live cat.
Review on handling
Instructor demonstrating a style
Students styles and baths a cat
Blades, clippers, maintenance and usage
Causes and prevention
Using the clippers to give the most effective, safe shave, shaving matted pets
Full lion, mini lion, lynx, bobcat, panther, puss in boots, mohawk, caterpillar, catorsarous, round head, different tail styles, short and long boots.
Shaving a pet under anesthetic
Different handling methods will be taught for table grooming and lap grooming. Attendees will have the opportunity to try different methods on a stuffed animal.
Getting the cat in and out of the carrier
Different ways to use a towel will show attendees that the towel can be your most effective handling equipment in cat grooming.
Equipment available to cat groomers and the pros and cons of each.
Styles covered are; full lion, mini lion, lynx, bobcat, panther, puss in boots, mohawk, caterpillar, catorsarous, round head, different tail styles, short and long boots.
Land-marking for each style will be shown to attendees to make the styling easier.
Shaving the cat either reverse or with the grain will be taught and the pros and cons of both.
Quick, easy creative grooming will be demonstrated to add on to your grooms.
We can customize a seminar to your needs. Please contact us to discuss this option.