Learn to Groom Cats

When you learn to groom cats, one of the most satisfying feelings is when a new client calls telling you that they were referred to you by an existing client. It feels even better when that referral comes from a veterinary clinic or other pet professional.

This says that you are doing a great job.

A cat that was fearful the first groom and by the third or fourth is relaxing and head butting you gives you a warm fuzzy feeling deep inside.

Knowing when the cat is at his/her limit shows that you, as a cat groomer, have gone above and beyond to increase your education about feline grooming. You have acknowledged that grooming cats is a different skill set than dogs and you are willing to alter your methods to satisfy the purring fur ball on your table.

There are  many ways to learn to groom cats.

Different Ways to Learn Cat Grooming

You can learn to groom cats from another groomer that you are working with.’ This is a very common method of learning in the grooming industry and very accessible. But, what if the one you are learning from is out dated in their methods or just not very good.

Learning from books is an option that many utilize, as the hands on classes and seminars are too far to travel too. But what if you are a ‘hands on learner’; reading about something may be difficult to put it into practice, especially if the book has more words than pictures.

Videos offered on YouTube  are another complimentary learning method available to groomers and a very good way to learn on a long distance level, but again, what are the qualifications of the person posting the video.

Seminars, classes and structured courses are by far the best way to learn to groom cats. An experienced instructor takes you on a journey, which you willingly go on, to dodge fangs and claws. A seminar is real life grooming, especially if the cats are unknown to you. Even your own cat will behave differently during a class situation; however, this is the best way to learn.

The instructor can show you step by step as you can ask questions to which the answers are immediate.

The way you learn is often determined by distance, time and finances. We urge each individual to learn from as many people as they can and to continue learning, for as cat grooming matures; new methods evolve, as do new styles.

Cat grooming doesn’t have to be brutal. Cats don’t have to be stretched by one groomer while another shaves him.

It can be done calmly, professionally and humanely.

On Line Education

Technology has created a unique space for student world wide to learn from expert instructors in many areas of education and cat grooming is no exception. 

ICATS has created two streams of online learning:

Masters Stream: The Masters Stream is for any level of groomer who wants to learn or update their skills.

The Ultimate Cat Grooming Course takes you from Anatomy to Finished Grooms. It is a self directed on-line course with over 100 videos, slides, pictures and lecturing throughout the course. All the written is included in the course and is presented as quizzes after each section. A passing grade is required and at the end of the course, you will receive the designation of International Cat Expert and can put the letters ICE behind your name. You then have the option of doing the practical testing in person or via online live testing or video submission or a combination of methods. After the practical has been passed, you can carry on to your masters course and testing protocol.

Seal Stream: The Seal Stream is built for groomers who are or have been grooming cats for a number of years and feel that they wouldn't benefit from the Ultimate Cat Grooming Course but want to pick and choose what they want to learn. 

The courses are mini-courses focused on a particular skill. Some of the courses are taken from the Ultimate Cat Grooming Course, The Styles Course and some are advanced and specialty courses. 

These courses are accessed  by anyone, no prerequisite required.  Each course has a written component included with a certificate awarded when the course is completed. There is a physical component to many of the courses that will fully complete the course. When 3 courses are completed with the physical components, the student is awarded with a Seal.

The seal stream can be accessed by groomers already grooming cats, by groomers who have received certification or masters from a different organization and but students from the Ultimate Cat Grooming Course who wish to access specialized and advanced courses not offered in the Ultimate Cat Grooming Course.

Learn to Groom Cats with ICATS



Jackie Halina teaching at a seminar.

A class scenario is by far, one of the best ways to learn a new skill. Not only do you benefit from an instructor being present to answer any concerns or questions, you also get to learn from other classmates as they may ask a question that you never would have thought of.

The instructor is also able to create different strategies for the individual student in a class based on the limitations of that individual.

ICATS seminars are highly interactive and engaging. The seminars are taught with written material, hands on experience, demonstrations and live cat grooming.

We also offer mini seminars or lectures for grooming and pet events.

For a more detailed description of all our seminars, visit our Seminar Page.


If a seminar does not work with your schedule or learning needs, ICATS offers private instruction with one-two students.

Access our course outline.

Long Distance/Testing

For those groomers that are able to attend a seminar but are not ready to test for their certifications, ICATS has developed a long distance testing option for  practical testing.

Although in many countries it is not yet required for a groomer to have formal education, we believe that offering a high standard for learning will only create groomers that excel at their chosen profession.

We also believe that through high standards of education, not only will we prevent cats from being traumatized through barbaric grooming methods, but we will also be able to keep more groomers from being injured.

Your investment in a cat grooming seminar could save your life.